Nikki began working as a full-time civil engineer at ATA after graduating with her civil engineering degree in 2011. Originally starting as an intern prior to graduating, Nikki has worked on a variety of projects including parks and facilities, site work and infrastructure projects, subdivision improvements, accessibility design, roadway rehabilitation, and traffic calming. Nikki is well-versed at working with clients such as the City and County of Honolulu (C&C), Department of Hawaiian Homelands, and Hawaiian Electric Company.
With a passion to improve mobility and access for everyone, Nikki is adept in ADA site improvements and design and is often consulted on ATA projects incorporating ADA elements. Nikki worked closely with C&C’s Court Appointed Monitor to strengthen her understanding of accessibility and usability of accessible designs. Her ability to envision the needs of users has been key in ensuring the designs produced are functional and user friendly.
Nikki enjoys gardening and hunting in her free time.
Nikki’s Notable Projects & Clients Include
Curb Ramps at Various Locations
Client – City and County of Honolulu, Department of Design and Construction, Civil Division
Rehabilitation / Widening of Various Streets on Hawai’i Island
Client – County of Hawai’i, Department of Public Works, Engineering Division
Various Traffic Calming Measures on Oahu
Client – Department of Hawaiian Home Lands
Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering – University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
Licenses & Certifications
Professional Engineer – Civil, HI PE-18279
Certified Water Pollution Plan Preparer (CWPPP), City and County of Honolulu
Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) Coordinator, City and County of Honolulu